Agus Nurza

Community Leader of Aceh Birder
Agus Nurza is a Veterinarian by profession and started off as a birdwatcher based in Aceh province of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Since 2007, Agus involved in studies on ecology and distribution of various bird species and also published numerous reports and papers. He is also an accomplished bird photographer and continues to explore new sites on Sumatra in search of endemic birds. He is a talented bird photographer with a particular interest in capturing the many photographed birds in Sumatra. He has more than a passing interest in the wildlife and is attempting to see all megafauna of Sumatra. Bird-surveying and guiding throughout the Indonesia region and in particular Sumatra. Agus also as one of the co-authors both of The 100 Best Birdwatching Sites in Southeast Asia edited by Yong Ding Li and Low Bing Wen, 2016 and The 125 Best Birdwatching Sites in Southeast Asia, edited by Yong Ding Li and Low Bing Wen 2018. Publications articles, viewable here or see below of page. He enjoys sharing his passion for birds via his FaceBook, Instagram, tours and workshops. 
Some of his birds images on:
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology : ebird.org  (  Click  )  

Rubama M.

Rubama M., Aceh Birder leader region
Banda Aceh and 
Aceh Besar district
of Aceh province Sumatra
Rubama is a women who has traveled many areas of spending a few years in the field, visiting many remote areas in search especialy of hornbill and environment quality. She is focus on developing eco-torism in Aceh-Sumatra, whit the educational background Biology and Environmental, Rubama also develop creation recycling of organic waste and inorganic waste management with community-based. Very comfortable sharing his knowlage and empaty with others. She enjoys sharing his passion for birds via her facebook, tours and workshop.

Hasri Abdillah

Hasri Abdillah is one of our tour leader

Hasri was born in Medan, North of Sumatra. He studied Biology at Sumatra Utara University and also active in conservation activities such to secure the environment of the waterbirds habitat since he was study in the university. Hasri still active in various environment activities and join with the other local NGO’s in Medan. Hasri have been being doing research about habitat of Waterbirds in North of Sumatra. He also contribute and as a volunteer in Asian Waterbird Census by the Wetland International. Hasri Is as one of Aceh Birder team and Bird guide in north Sumatra.

Birding in Aceh

Some note of birding in Aceh - Sumatra (Aceh Birder leader and Cicem Nanggroe in team):

1. M. Iqbal, A. Nurza & T.M. Sanir , (2009), Second record after 139 years of Grey-headed Lapwing Vanellus cinereus in Indonesia, Bulletin of the International Wader Study Group, 116:1:  http://www.worldwaders.org/dokok/literature/26/winteringsumatra_stilt57.pdf

2. Agus Nurza, Dwi Mulyawati, HusnurrizalRicko L. JayaT. M. Sanir and Richard Noske (2009). First Breeding Records of Shikra Accipiter badius in Indonesia,54-58:Vol 14 http://kukila.org/index.php/KKL/issue/view/19

3. Iqbal, M, A. Nurza, & T.M. Sanir, (2010). Notes On The Wintering Waders At North-Eastern Tip Of Sumatra (Aceh Province), Indonesia, Stilt – Australasian Wader Studies Group, Stilt 57: 44–49 http://www.awsg.org.au/stilt/Stilt-57abstract.pdf

4. Iqbal, M, H. Abdillah & A. Nurza, 2010. Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus himantopus, a new shorebird for Indonesia Wader Study Group Bulletin, wader study group organization. 117 (1) http://www.waderstudygroup.org/pubs/wsgbull/v118i1/118_066.pdf

5. Nurza, A. 2010. “BEA” Mengamati Burung Langka bersama Siswa di SM. Rawa Singkil, Aceh, Warta Konservasi Lahan Basah (WKLB),http://burung-nusantara.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Vol-18-No-2-Juli-2010-website.pdf

6. Zulkifli, H., M. Iqbal, A.A. Supriatna and A. Nurza, 2012. A Review of Recent Knowledge on Raptor Species in Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Life Sciences 6:454-459. http://www.ruffordsmallgrants.org/files/Journal%20of%20Life%20Sciences%206%20(2012)%20454-459.pdf

7. Iqbal,M. A. Nurza, and Giyanto, 2012. Breeding Records of Little Egret Egretta garzetta in Sumatra, with notes on the occurence of race E. g. Garzetta, Indonesian Ornithology Union, Vol 16 . http://kukila.org/index.php/KKL/article/view/309

8. Muhammad Iqbal, Hasri Abdillah, Agus NurzaTedi Wahyudi, Giyanto & Muhammad Iqbal, 2013. A review of new and noteworthy shorebird records in Sumatra, Indonesia, during 2001 – 2011. Wader Study Group Bulletin 120(2).  http://www.waderstudygroup.org/pubs/wsgbull/preview/index.php

9. AGUS NURZA1 , HUSNURRIZAL2 , MUHAMMAD IQBAL, 2017. Recent record of Masked Finfoot (Heliopais personata) in Indonesia after 17 years. BONOROWO WETLANDS, Vol 7: No 1, P: 8-10.

If you have any questions about our tours or require further information, we will be happy to hear from you. Give us a call at +6285361481022, or send us an email at aceh.birder@gmail.com or learn more about our  Birding Tour Leader ( Click Here )

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